Could any of this sound like you…

I started this business to have control of my life. Now I’m consumed 24/7 by its demands. Even date-night and vacations are interrupted.

I have put my heart and all my money into this business but I am not seeing the returns I had hoped for

This was a mistake, I should just dump this business and go back to work for someone else

I have this constant fear, what if something were to happen to me or one of my key people, would my business fail?

Sometimes it seems like life would be better if I just get out of the business and work for somebody else, at least I wouldn’t have to bring all the stress and pressure home with me.

The perils of business are self-evident, most entrepreneurs will remain lost and suffer a slow and steady eventual demise, eight out of 10 are gone in a year!

Left in the dark and feeling hopeless, lost and without a sliver of a chance to survive?

This is not a promotion, now I am saddled with everyone’s problems and complaints.

Isolated, lonely, can’t be vulnerable up or down in the org chart. Not free to confide in the Board of Directors or in my direct reports or even the other executives.

The Cerveau…

I’m a numbers person and the proof is in the numbers. As a result of Group participation  We came with ideas and strategies to grow our sales increase by 43%!

It was the Group I needed, empowering me to grow enormously; not only in business, but in all aspects of life. We learn from each other’s successes and failures.

The power of this Group helped me grow our startup to a $10M+ company, and I transitioned from entrepreneur to successful purpose-driven CEO

This Group definitely got me off the stress roller coaster that was my business. Now I can actually enjoy vacations with the family without having to worry.

Nothing provided the professional development for me as much as this Group. In just three years the ideas and inspiration gave us a competitive edge and improved our profits by more than $300,000.

Since joining this group just one year ago we’ve knocked our workload down significantly at the same time we’ve grown by over 50%

My Group’s ideas and inspiration helped guide our company grow four-fold to over $20 million in annual sales, with over $3 million in profits.

Executives, Board Members & Owners – Join a Cerveau Group!

Innovation – Confidence
Liberty – Collaboration – Action

The Cerveau group: the preeminent mastermind

The last generation of powerful masterminds were Henry Ford’s Vagabonds, FDR’s Brain Trusts, Benjamin Franklin’s Junto, The Chicago 6 with Hertz and Wrigley and of course Andrew Carnegie’s steel business. Join us and together we create your own personal Cerveau Group, a mastermind as it was meant to be.

“… if you want to know how I got my money, I will refer you to these men here on my staff; they got it for me. We have here in this business a mastermind. It is not my mind, and it is not the mind of any other man on my staff, but the sum total of all these minds that I have gathered around me that constitute a mastermind in the steel business.”*

How does a Cerveau Group work…

  1. It all starts with an orientation event, the Accelerated leadership course, four lively days of intense team building, bonding and networking to prepare a powerful Cerveau team.
  2. The meat of the Cerveau happens in the periodic guided-facilitated meetings held weekly, bi-monthly, and-or quarterly based upon the needs and goals of your Cerveau group (virtual and live).
  3. Annual Cerveau Summit, The Council on Leadership gathers all groups to gain market, industry and financial support from subject matter experts and re-establish group synergy. Open to all group members, their families and invitees. (Keynote experts, breakout sessions and group alignment).
*Andrew Carnegie, Billionaire

Advance your vision…

The Cerveau Group is the crown jewel of the Council on Leadership fashioned after these historic master mind groups. Prepare yourself for ideas and innovation you never dreamed of. Here you can free yourself from the boredom, anxiety, frustration, dissatisfaction and burn-out that comes with executive leadership and business ownership. Build your network of like-minded executives that are more committed to your success that you are!
  • Focus -I- Seize the Opportunity

    Everybody is focused on something. The results tell the story. Learn to FOCUS to get what you want instead.

  • Total Commitment -I- Absolutes

    People fall in love with committed leaders and buy into their vision. Be that leader!

  • Grounded -I- Couragous in Conflict

    Rise above conflict shine a light on the truth as a way to create solutions.  Maintain balance, stability and presence of mind regardless of the chaos in the moment.

  • True Collaboration

    Open a doorway to freedom of expression, shared knowledge and information. Better solutions to bigger opportunities.

  • Absolute Trust

    Trust is a choice, a way to create massive change and success. A tool to expedience. Learn when and how to trust and create the most out of every situation.

  • Risk -I- Wisdom

    Risk is essential for exponential growth, wisdom is the balance. Wisdom is in a multitude of counselors.

  • Shared Vision

    Create a team that shares your values and vision. The clarity and commitment to your vision is the power to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.

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