Remember the feeling of a committed team behind you?

What’s missing?
That Authentic Community?
Join us as we bring together a community that is more committed to your success than you are. Challenge yourself!

  • Authentic Community

    An Authentic Community – the raw material for our Cerveau Groups – We start in a private Facebook group designed as a place to:

    • Tell the truth as you see it
    • Share your heart as you feel it
    • Support each other right where we are
  • Competing Commitment

    Once the group forms, we’ll start where we left off – How is your competing commitment impacting your life? True freedom begins here.

    • It’s one thing, one belief, always interfering
    • How is it impacting your life’s goals
    • Expose the conflicting ideologies
    • Share your Victories
  • Develop your team

    You don’t have to do it alone…

    • We help you build your personal board of directors, a cohesive team of leaders
    • A round-table of like-minded people with similar desires and purpose
    • A team that understands Integrity, Trust and Commitment
    • Confidence, Innovation, Liberty, Action
  • The Cerveau Group: A Brain Trust

    Once the community has come together we’ll split into Cerveau, The Preeminent Mastermind: Prepare yourself for ideas and innovation you never dreamed of. Here you can free yourself from the anxiety, frustration, burn-out or boredom that plagues the entrepreneur and business owner. Build your network of like-minded leaders that are more committed to your success that you are!

    • Prerequisite: All members are second level graduates from similar personal growth companies, great interpersonal mastery skills
    • The Cerveau: a guided-facilitated round-table that meets weekly or bi-monthly for support to work through challenges and innovation to build on possibilities (virtual and live).
    • Annual Summit: A family gathering of all Cerveau groups together to re-establish group synergy, gain personal, spiritual, market, and financial support from subject matter experts.
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